About Us

Story About
Punjab Engineering Works

For over 70 years Punjab Engineering Works has enjoyed a tradition of innovation in both the oil mill and chemical industries. We have been in the forefront of Oil Expeller and Filter technology for decades. A wealth of experience coupled with the know how required for the design and development and the manufacture of plant and machinery has put Punjab Engineering Works in a position to supply high quality, easy to service equipment which provides many years of reliable service to the clients. Relaibility, user friendliness, high extraction / yield  rates and life long components combine to provide our machines with excellent price performance ratio. Our clients from all backgrounds and locations vouch for the quality and performance of our porducts.

Our R&D team, equipped with the best softwares in the industry, are always re engineering the machinery and equipment designs to increase efficiency, reduce manpower and power consumption and bring better economy for the end users. Our highly skilled workforce ensure that there is Zero Defect Manufacturing and follow 6 S standards as a general practice. Our company is now an ISO 9001:2015 certified organisation certifying our commitment to our basic principal of providing our clients with the best quality products at the least possible cost.

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