Consulting Engineering

Disaster Engineering

Innisfail was devastated by Cyclone Larry in March 2006. CENQ were very busy following the disaster.

Work included the project management of the repair and refurbishment of 225 government buildings and work in various capacities on a further 560 private buildings. Maddocks Engineers liaised extensively with James Cook Universities Cyclone Research Station to further the understanding of the effects of Cyclone events on structures.

Also last year following the aftermath of Cyclone Yasi Maddocks Engineers again played a central role in the recovery efforts in the Tully and Mission Beach areas.

In 2011, in the aftermath of Cyclone Yasi Maddocks Engineers again played a central role in the recovery efforts in the Tully and Mission Beach areas.
Oure expertise has also been deployed in the wider state with work undertaken following Cyclone Maria and Cyclone Debbie